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About Us
Empowering Minds, Inspiring Futures
Welcome to Derech, where no two students are alike, and where students from all over the globe come together to seek to understand Torah in a way that’s designed for them. The students can come from a variety of backgrounds, public school, yeshiva league, in-town, out-of-town, and everything in between, but the common denominator is that each individual wants to be great, grow in his Yiddishkheit, and to become closer to Hashem.
the problem
Yeshiva as a Gap Year
When someone understands that they want to find out more about Torah and foster that relationship with Hashem, the most important question becomes “Where?”- Which environment will help me maximize that potential to grow, to learn, and to reach one’s full potential. The answer for 4,000 years has been the same: “Yeshiva”.
Nowadays, there’s many yeshivas out there, but there’s nuances and differences that make choosing the right yeshiva somewhat difficult. This is especially true with those coming from NCSY/public school backgrounds. Some yeshivas start at a very advanced level, some yeshivas only want a certain type of student, and some yeshivas only want a specific type of background. There was a need for a yeshiva that the only criteria was the desire to grow and do whatever it takes to reach that greatness. That Yeshiva is Derech.

Why Derech?
Every student is treated as an individual, and no singular educational approach works best with every individual. There are many legitimate ways to serve Hashem.
Some of our graduates continue learning in kollel while others join the Israeli army. Most return to their location of origin for university or vocational school. We work with students to help them identify their strengths and talents, nurture them in the course of their studies, and try to give them skills to implement them in the future so that they can become leaders and productive members of their Jewish communities.
The year in Derech
is designed to showcase to you the beauty and depth of Judaism in a down to earth, yet challenging and stimulating manner. At Derech, we provide many opportunities to connect and develop one’s knowledge and depth of Judaism, including:
Torah at YOUR Level
Inspiring and Meaningful Classes on Gemara, Philosophy, Halacha, Davening, Hashkafa, and more.
Eretz Yisroel
Incredible Trips and Shabbatons throughout Israel designed to help tap into this special and holy country.
Life-Long Connections
Rebbeim and Staff who are dedicated to the needs of the students, a student-rebbe relationship that we hope lasts well beyond one’s year(s) in Derech.

get in touch
let's talk
have anything to ask ? let's talk
To start your journey to greatness, submit an application, including essays and letters of recommendation. Afterwards, you’ll receive an email to schedule your interview with our Director of Admissions.
Please send us a message regarding any queries related to the Application Form.
What they’re talking about our Yeshiva


Derech has 25 years of experience guiding students who seek truth and Torah. We provide tutors for all first year students, hebrew reading 1 on 1 instruction for those who need, Gemara skill building ranging from understanding the structure of the gemara to advanced levels of rishonim, acharonim, and poskim. Additionally, we have partnerships with Yeshiva University and Touro University to provide internationally accredited college credits, as well as FAFSA support for tuition. We also have a strong emphasis on mental health, helping our students seek a path not just for greatness in Judaism, but for their own success in life.