Derech - Institute For Torah Studies

Why Derech?

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Derech is the Yeshiva designed for that student who seeks something more in their connection to Hashem and in Judaism. That student can take many different forms, from the student who never understood all the halachos his Rebbe told him about in his K-12 schooling, or the TJJer who felt something in his TJJ trip and wants to understand what that connection is.

We’ve been blessed to hear from speakers such as…

Prominent Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva, Community Leaders and personalities in the Jewish world have come to Derech over the years to share words of inspiration. In the past year, we have met with:

  • Rav Asher Weiss, world renowned Posek and Rosh Kollel(top level)
  • Roy Neuberger, noted author and speaker
  • Nissim Black, world famous musician
  • Moe Mernick, Public Speaker and COO Partners in Torah
  • Rabbi Yehuda Leib Wittler, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Shaarei Chaim in Gateshead
  • Rav Yonason Saks, Rosh Yeshiva of Landers College for Men
  • Harav Rav Reuven Feinstein, Rosh Yeshiva Mestiva Tiferas Yerushalayim of Staten Island
  • Howard Jonas, Founder and Chairman of IDT
  • Harav Rav Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva University
  • Harav Rav Ahron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshiva Greater Washington
  • Harav Rav Chaim Mintz of the world famous Oorah Program
  • President Richard Joel of Yeshiva University
  • Rabbi Yehoshua Marchuk of NCSY, which has been a partner with Derech from the start
  • We were touched and inspired with the strength and emunah of Rabbi Gabriel Sasson, who lost 7 children in a tragic fire in April of 2015, sharing with us his unbroken love for Hashem.


Derech believes in fun, and the Land of Israel is loaded with diverse and exciting sites for students to explore. 
Every trip is organized in a way that strictly adheres to government approved security measures. Whether hiking, going to the beach, bowling, cycling, rafting, BBQing, tornado boating or just cruising on the Kinneret, students have many opportunities to bond with one another and with Rebbeim. Our own rebbe, Rabbi Bleiweiss, instills his passionate love for the Holy Land in guiding and teaching.

​Derech, being a part of the world famous Ohr Somayach institutions, which has on its staff some of the greatest personalities in the Kiruv world:

The Ohr Somayach Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Hagoan Nota Schiller
Harav Yitzchock Breitowitz
Rabbi Dovid Gottleib
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan
Rabbi Yackov Asher Sinclair

and many more...

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To start your journey to greatness, submit an application, including essays and letters of recommendation. Afterwards, you’ll receive  an email to schedule your interview with our Director of Admissions.