Derech - Institute For Torah Studies

Our Impact

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Derech is the Yeshiva designed for that student who seeks something more in their connection to Hashem and in Judaism. That student can take many different forms, from the student who never understood all the halachos his Rebbe told him about in his K-12 schooling, or the TJJer who felt something in his TJJ trip and wants to understand what that connection is.

Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

At Derech Yeshiva, we guide each student to unlock their unique potential. Our individualized learning approach, inspired by “Chanoch l’naar al pi darko” (Mishlei 22:6), provides the tools needed for spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth.

Fostering Lifelong Connections and Friendships

Students at Derech Yeshiva form deep, lasting relationships within a supportive community. Through collaborative learning, trips, and Shabbatons, students build lifelong friendships and a strong network of mutual respect and shared values.

Improving the World

Derech Yeshiva empowers students to positively impact their communities and beyond. Our graduates, whether continuing in kollel, serving in the Israeli army, or pursuing higher education, are equipped with the skills and values to make a meaningful difference in the world.


What they’re talking about our university


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To start your journey to greatness, submit an application, including essays and letters of recommendation. Afterwards, you’ll receive  an email to schedule your interview with our Director of Admissions.