Derech - Institute For Torah Studies

About Us

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Derech is the Yeshiva designed for that student who seeks something more in their connection to Hashem and in Judaism. That student can take many different forms, from the student who never understood all the halachos his Rebbe told him about in his K-12 schooling, or the TJJer who felt something in his TJJ trip and wants to understand what that connection is.

About Us

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Learning to Learn 

Torah is what sustains Jews, and those who learn can grow throughout their lives. Many students have not yet tasted the sweetness of Gemara study. We show them how Gemara can be enjoyable, personally relevant, and morally compelling. We teach them to understand a daf, and to think deeply about its contents. Many do, and thanks to these skills they’ve developed, continue learning regularly throughout their lives.

the ability to ask anything

Torah is true, and has something to say about all subjects. Good Torah teachers can field any and all difficult questions. Students in Derech are encouraged to ask whatever is on their minds. Nothing is off-limits as long as the discussion remains respectful. For those who grew up perceiving Judaism as a series of rituals, or who were told they couldn’t ask certain questions, it can be a revelation to find warm and receptive teachers with thoughtful, often unexpected responses. Students come away at the end of the year having touched on most of the basic issues confronting modern Jews, and can discuss them intelligently and often in depth.

Acquire a rav<span data-metadata="">

Derech has a world class staff of personable, multi-talented, and engaging personalities. They are also utterly dedicated to their students, and remain accessible to students who want to form a lasting, meaningful relationship with a rav and this, too, often lasts years after students leave Derech.

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Connect To Eretz Yisrael

In addition to learning about the holiness of the land, Derech students spend part of the year exploring this diverse, exciting country. A number of students eventually make aliyah as well, and others develop a profound, personal connection to the land.

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Make Tefilla Meaningful

We offer classes and special seminars that help students understand the content of prayers, and how they relate directly to what’s going on in their lives and in the world. Through tefilla, a student can form a thoughtful relationship with Hashem that becomes the foundation of his ever growing emuna.


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have anything to ask ? let's talk

To start your journey to greatness, submit an application, including essays and letters of recommendation. Afterwards, you’ll receive  an email to schedule your interview with our Director of Admissions.